Saturday 15 June 2013

Katherine Gorge - bushwalk to North Rock Hole

We went on an 8km bushwalk in the gorge too which felt longer because of the heat! We were rewarded though with a beautiful rock pool oasis at the end that we had all to ourselves! We had to be ferried to the other side of the river to start the walk which a ranger obliged us but we had to be collected by a tour ferry on its way back to so it was important we got to the river bank again by 1pm or we'd be stranded! The landscape had started changing now -less arid and more bushy and no red dirt in sight.
At Katherine we learnt more about how the aboriginals utilised the bush around them so cleverly to survive. The mango bush leaves were swished through the water releasing a substance which took the oxygen out of the water and the fish would float to the surface. They would take what they needed for their meal then the children would get into the water and run about to re-oxygenate the water and the remaining fish would spring back to life and swim off! Pandanus which are a common plant up north were used for making all sorts of handy things such as weaving the leaves for bags or stripping the trunk and tying it together with vines for little canoes. Nothing was wasted or depleted.
You'll notice we're wearing gators on the walk -putting our snake safety knowledge to good use!

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