Saturday 15 June 2013

...on the road to Darwin, Star stories

At one of the roadhouses we stopped at, Wauchope, we were lucky enough to get a particularly amazing night for star watching -not even a moon so it was an extremely dark sky and bright stars. At one point the 3 of us were walking back towards our van and looked across to see the most enormous and incredibly bright shooting star fly low across the sky. It was amazing and so exciting.
In Alice Springs at the caravan park, if the night is clear an astrologist comes to give a talk on the stars on a Tuesday night. He takes you right up the back up a hill where its nice and dark and has a massive telescope that everyone gets to look through. We looked at the left point of the Southern Cross only to see a huge star cluster that sits around it of about 200 stars. The highlight however was at the end when he turned the telescope to Saturn -unbelievable, we could see all the rings around it, it was ridiculously exciting!! You'd swear it wasnt real.. happy days!

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