Sunday 4 August 2013

Fraser Island off Hervey Bay

Fraser Is is a heritage listed Island and for good reason, it is gorgeous. It is the worlds largest sand island and the only place in the world where rain forest grows in sand. You couldnt swim in the surrounding ocean due to huge sharks and manta rays but there were lots of inland lakes and creeks to make up for it. The water on the island is so clear and clean you can drink out of the creeks -the rain water sinks thru the sand and over a hundred years is drawn back up thru it which filters it. The water supply in the facilities is straight from the island. Its such a diverse place too, bush land, forests, lakes, creeks, sand dunes, beach..
We went on a two day 4WD tour -didnt want to risk it on my own and getting bogged in the sand!
Its also full of dingos which you have to be very careful of as they are wild and dangerous despite how beautiful they are to see.

on the ferry heading over

the ferry

on the 4WD truck, boys dibbed the front!

Lake McKenzie - the water is percect PH due to the the forest litter on the bottom which stops the water soaking into the sand and thus forming the lake. The sand is percfect for exfoliating! and cleaning your jewellery and the water is therapeutic due to the surrounding tea tree..

rainforest walk which followed a beautiful clear creek

these trees are Brush Box and would you believe they were logged to build the London Docks and the Suez Canal!! because they're not too soft or hard and last well around water

4WDing on the beach!

view from our room

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